The Korean GP organizers respond to what was said on Monday about the inaugural Grand Prix of Korea and the possibility of a cancellation. The F1 team, the media and all relevant staff are concerned that (despite the FIA rules require an inspection of the track at least 90 days before the event) the uncertainty in Korea is still growing, just three weeks before they depart to Asia.
The final inspection of the circuit is getting ridiculous literally, a Korean official says a final decision will be taken after 11 October, long after the F1 sport equipment leave Suzuka. There is also the question of the world championship, with five contenders who do not yet know whether there will be three or four races to the end of the season. The main fears regarding the cancellation of the race, came from F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone, who had admitted on Sunday for the first time his concern about the GP of Korea.
Spokesman of Korea GP insisted that the track will be ready for inspection by Charlie Whiting, on 11 October.
"We will have no problem in hosting the race on 24 of Octomber. We are doing our best to complete all necessary work before official FIA team lead a complete final inspection in two weeks time. We take seriously the claims of Ecclestone as a message that we must further intensify the final preparations for the race."